House Divided

A House Divided

Supported in part by a Columbia College Chicago Faculty Development Grant.
With additional funding from Rachel Alma Thiessen.


Tom and Amanda…

arrive home from a fundraiser for their friend Jeanette who is facing a life-threatening illness.  They argue over what kind of health care system would have protected Jeanette and the effectiveness of holding a fundraiser for medical bills in the American healthcare system.  Amanda, a Republican, holds divergent views on the matter from her husband, Tom, a Democrat. 

Separately, as the two prepare for bed, they reflect on their own views and the inability of the other to understand.  As they attempt to go to bed, the argument continues, rising until Tom decides to sleep in the living room – sleeping separately for the first time in their marriage.  During the night, Tom and Amanda each wrestle with the effect their political differences are having on their marriage. 

The next morning, the couple still cannot speak much to one another as the day begins.  Amanda hopes to reconcile with the idea that the whole thing will blow over, while Tom cannot come to terms with the deeper issues at stake.

For more information visit A House Divided Website here.

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